Member State/Regions | Programme | Focus |
Austria | BMVIT FFG FFG/produktion | Technological and process innovation |
Belgium | MADE DIFFERENT – Factories of the future | Process innovation |
Belgium-Flanders | Flanders Make iMinds | Product & technology innovation |
Germany | Industrie 4.0 | Technological innovation, in particular CPS |
Germany | Smart Service World | Integration of cross sectoral value networks Cross usage of data between different areas of daily life |
Germany | Autonomik for Industrie 4.0 - Production, Products, Services in the Internet of the Future | logistics, engineering models (i.e. decision making support schemes), working conditions (human-machine interaction, safety & security), service robotics |
Germany - Ostwestfalen-Lippe | It's OWL | Technological and Process Innovation for Production |
Germany – Baden-Württemberg | Allianz Industrie 4.0 BW | SME (down to 50 employees) |
Denmark | MADE – Manufacturing Academy of Denmark | |
Greece | Regional Operational Programme of Region of Western Greece for the Period 2014-2020 | Advance Materials, Nano – Technology and Microelectronics supported by ICT |
Spain | Estrategia Fabricacion Avanzada Grupo Spri | Industry upgrading for economic sustainability; Manufacturing efficiency for environmental sustainability; Quality employment for social sustainability |
Italy | Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente CFI (Intelligent Factories Cluster) | Products, Processes, Manufacturing System, Manufacturing networks |
Italy - Lombardia | Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia AFIL (Cluster Intelligent Factories Lombardy) | Products, Processes, Manufacturing System, Manufacturing networks |
Finland | MANU - Digital manufacturing technology & systems (2012-2017) | |
Finland | S-STEP - Smart technologies for lifecycle performance (2014-2018 | |
Finland | SIMP - System integrated metal production (2014-2018) | |
Finland | S4Fleet (2015-2018) | |
Finland | Industrial Internet – Business Revolution (2014-2019 | |
France | Usine du Futur | SME's diagnostics and modernization incentives |
France / Ile-de-France | Plan “Usine du future” Ile-de-France RIS 3 strategy Systematic cluster “Usine du future” roadmap | Support measures targeting SMEs; Engineering of complex systems and software |
Netherlands | Smart Industry | Acceleration of introduction of ICT in manufacturing and adaption of business value chains |
Portugal | PRODUTECH – Production Technologies Cluster Mobilizadores Produtech - Portal | Advanced Manufacturing Systems |
United Kingdom | Innovate UK | UK businesses |
United Kingdom | High value Manufacturing Catapult | Businesses in the field of high value manufacturing. i.e. a high level of R&D intensity, leading to significant growth. Customers include large multinationals to small spin-out companies and anything in between. |
United Kingdom - Scotland | Action Plan for Manufacturing | Develop Leadership and Skills; Supply Chain Capability |
Sweden | Produktion 2030 | Develop Leadership and Skills in sustainable production |
For more information, please see Member States and Regional Initiatives.